

第一步:学生准备相关材料:①休学审批表 ②退课申请表或(及)缓考申请表 ③校医院开具的休学证明(非因病休学不需要),前往学生所在学院      

Step 1: Documents Preparation:

① Approval Form for Suspension of Studies

② Application Form for Dropping Courses or/and Application Form for Postponement of Examination

③ Suspension Certificate issued by the school hospital (not required for suspension due to illness).


Step 2: The Undergraduate Teaching Management Office of the school will count the failed credits and sign the Approval Form for Suspension of Studies, Application Form for Dropping Courses or/and Application Form for Postponement of Examination. The deputy secretary and the teaching dean of the school will sign the Approval Form for Suspension of Studies.


Step 3: Students who suspend their studies due to illness should firstly apply for a Suspension Certificate issued by the school hospital in Nanhu Campus (no need for students who suspend studies for other reasons), and then submit the application in the Academic Affairs and Student Status Service Center.


Step 4: The Academic Affairs and Student Status Service Center will handle the application, issue a Suspension Notice and a Suspension Certificate (necessary for resumption of studies), and handle the relevant services such as course withdrawal and suspension of examinations. (A106, Xingjian Building, Nanhu Campus)