第一步:研究生本人到所在培养单位研究生与科研办公室提出申请。Step 1.Students shall personally apply to the Graduate and Research Office of the school.第二步:研究生与科研办公室打印成绩单并签章。Step 2.The Graduate and Research Office will print and sign the transcript.第三步:加盖培养单位公章。Step 3.The signed transcripts will then be stamped with the official seal of the school.第四步:由研究...
一、本人申请:登录《研究生信息管理系统》∶"其他"—"学籍异动"中填写申请并下载打印《研究生证补办申请表》。Step 1. Application in person: Log in to the Graduate Student Information Management System: "Other" - "Academic Registration Change". Download and print the "Application Form for Replacement of Graduate Student Card" after completion.二、学院审核:所在学院研究生教务管理人员审核签字。Step 2. ...
一、本人申请:登录《研究生信息管理系统》∶"其他"—"学籍异动"—"延期毕业申请管理"中填写并下截打印《申请表》。Step 1. Personal Application:① Log on the Graduate Student Information Management System;② Find and click the column "Other" - "Academic Status Change" - "Management of Application for Graduation Postponement";③ Finish the online application, and then download and print the application...
一、本人申请:登录《研究生信息管理系统》:"其他"—"学籍异动"中填写并下载打印《申请表》。申请休学条件∶因病、生育、创业。申请保留学籍条件:出国(境)联合培养、入伍。Step 1. Personal Application:① Log on the Graduate Student Information Management System;② Find and click the column "Other" - "Academic Status Change";③ Finish the online application, and then download and print the application f...
一、登录《研究生信息管理系统》∶"其他"—"学籍异动"—"学生退学申请管理"中填写并下载打印《申请表》。Step 1. Personal Application:① Log on the Graduate Student Information Management System;② Find and click the column "Other" - "Academic Status Changes" - "Management of Application for School Withdrawal";③ Finish the online application, and then download and print the application form.二、导师...
一、本人申请:登录《研究生信息管理系统》∶"其他"—"学籍异动"—"提前毕业申请管理"中填写并下载打印《申请表》。Step1. Personal Application:① Log on the Graduate Student Information Management System;② Find and click the column "Other" - "Academic Status Change" - "Management of Early Graduation Application";③ Finish the online application, and then download and print the application form.二、导...
一、本人申请:登录《研究生信息管理系统》∶"其他"—"学籍异动"—"学生复学申请管理"中填写并下载打印《申请表》。Step 1. Personal Application:① Log on the Graduate Student Information Management System;② Find and click the column "Other" - "Academic Status Change" - " Management of Application for Resumption";③ Finish the online application, and then download and print the application form.二、导...
一、时间Time:周一到周五 Monday to Friday 08:30-17:00二、步骤Steps:1. 研究生:①携带本人学生证或校园卡。②如需英文版在读证明,在研究生院网页下载英文模版自行翻译。英文模板下载地址:研究生院主页一表格下载一培养类表格下载一在读证明(英文模版)。Step 1. Graduate students: ①Bring your student ID card or campus card. ②If you need an English version of Registration Certificate, download the English ...