



中国矿业大学2025/2026学年中国政府奖学金高水平研究生项目简介 2025/2026 Academic year Chinese Government Scholarship High-Level Postgraduates Program



The ‘High-Level Postgraduates Program’ is a sub-program of the Chinese Government Scholarship Program. The program is based on the principles of "individual application, institutional recommendation, expert assessment and selection on the basis of merit", and selects international students with excellent academic background, outstanding professional ability and future development potential. A brief description of the program is as follows:

一、招生类别/Admission Category:


Full-time postgraduates and doctoral candidates.

二、招生对象/Target students:


The prospective students for September intake, 2025.

三、招生专业/ Majors

具体招生专业请参考《附件1-中国矿业大学2025CSC高水平研究生项目招生专业Available Majors for 2025 CSC High-Level Postgraduates Program

For specific information about the majors, please refer to the attachment《附件1-中国矿业大学2025CSC高水平研究生项目招生专业Available Majors for 2025 CSC High-Level Postgraduates Program.


l 非中国籍公民,身心健康;

Be a citizen of a country other than the People's Republic of China and be in good health both mentally and physically;

l 申请攻读硕士学位者,应当具有学士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄不超过35周岁;

Be a bachelor's degree holder under the age of 35 when applying for master's programs;

l 申请攻读博士学位者,应当具有硕士学位或同等学力,学习成绩优秀,年龄不超过40周岁;

Be a master's degree holder under the age of 40 when applying for doctoral programs;

l 申请以中文为专业教学语言的攻读硕士、博士学位者,中文水平须达到汉语水平考试(HSK)四级。

Have acquired the Chinese proficiency of HSK Level 4 when applying for Chinese taught master's or doctoral programs.

l 申请人应当同时符合所申请学校在学术能力、语言能力及其它相关方面的


Meet the admission requirements of the applied universities in terms of academic ability, language proficiency and other relevant criteria.


具体的奖学金内容以留学中国网 (www.campuschina.org) 公布的信息为准。

The specific details of scholarship are subject to the information published on the "CSC Study in China" website (www.campuschina.org)

六、申请材料/Application Documents


Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (filled in Chinese or English).


Copy of Passport Home Page. If the validity of the applicant’s current passport does not meet the requirement (should be valid later than September 2025), please renew it before submitting the application.


A notarized certificate of the highest level of education. If the applicant is a student, he/she must submit a certificate of expected graduation or a certificate of attendance issued by his/her school.


Academic transcripts (from the undergraduate level onwards). Copies of transcripts should include grades from the undergraduate, master's (if any) and doctoral (if any) levels of study up to the most recent semester. These transcripts shall be issued and stamped by the university’s Registrar’s office, graduate school, or student management department. Transcripts can be provided in Chinese/English and, in the case of languages other than English, an additional English translation and notarization is required.


Proof of language proficiency. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must submit valid HSK 4 reports. Applicants for English-taught programs shall provide relevant language proficiency certificates according to the universities’ requirements, like IELTSTOFEL or Duolingo(englishtest.duolingo.com) report.


A study plan proposal (focus of material review). A study plan (1000 words or more) in Chinese/English should be submitted. For PhD candidates the study plan needs to be signed by the Chinese supervisor.


Two recommendation letters (written only in Chinese or English) from professors or associate professors. These letters should focus on the objectives of the applicant's study in China, the cooperation between the Chinese institution or the Chinese supervisor and the foreign supervisor or the inter-university exchange, as well as the evaluation of the student's overall ability and future development.

8. 导师接收函。(模板下载见《附件2-中国矿业大学国际学生招生推荐表、导师接收函Acceptance Letter Format)申请攻读硕士或博士学位者建议提供导师接收函,可先与我校导师联系后获取,导师联系方式见《附件3-中国矿业大学导师联系方式Supervisors’Contacts

Acceptance Letter. (Download format《附件2-中国矿业大学国际学生招生推荐表、导师接收函Acceptance Letter Format). Applicants for a Master's or PhD degree are advised to provide a letter of acceptance from a professor in our university. The contacts of supervisors can be found from 附件3-中国矿业大学导师联系方式Supervisors’ Contacts.


A photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy shall be kept by the applicant). The form is designed by the Chinese quarantine authority. Applicants should strictly follow the items required in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. The Foreigner Physical Examination Form with missing items, without a photo of the applicant or without a stamp on the photo, or without the signature and stamp of the doctor and hospital is invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take a physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months.


Non-criminal record report. The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of Non-Criminal Record issued by the local public security authority, which should normally be issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.


Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China.


Reminder: Uploaded supporting documents must be clear, authentic and valid. Applicants are recommended to use a professional device to scan the relevant documents. Applicants shall bear the consequences caused by unclear or unidentifiable uploaded materials.

七、申请步骤/Application Process:

第一步:网上申请/Application Online

1. 申请人在留学中国网站 http://www.campuschina.org 申请,点击中国政府奖学金留学管理信息系统图标进入申请系统。

Visit "CSC Study in China" website and click "Scholarship Application for Students" at http://www.campuschina.org

2. 填写申请人个人资料,留学项目种类选择“B,中国矿业大学机构编号为10290

Input Personal Details, and select Program Category "Type B". The Agency Number of China University of Mining and Technology is 10290.

3. 录入语言能力及学习计划并上传补充材料,直至点击【提交】完成申请。本项目可申请专业见《附件1-中国矿业大学2025CSC高水平研究生项目招生专业Available Majors for 2025 CSC High-Level Postgraduates Program.

Move on to the section of “Language Proficiency and Study Plan” and upload “Supporting Documents” as requested, then click “Submit” to complete the application. Available majors can be checked from附件1-中国矿业大学2025CSC高水平研究生项目招生专业Available Majors for 2025 CSC High-Level Postgraduates Program.

第二步:考试安排/Exam Arrangement


After the applicant's information is approved, CUMT will notify the applicant by email about the exam and interview.


*Please make sure your email address is correct and check your email regularly so that do not to miss the notice of exam arrangement.



Applicants can check the admission results in the "Chinese Government Scholarship Study Abroad Management Information System". The applicant shall register at the China University of Mining and Technology within stipulated time. The original highest academic certificate and transcripts, the Foreigner's Medical Examination Form, a certificate of non-criminality and the original language proficiency certificate will be verified at the time of registration.

八、申请截止时间/Application Deadline

2025228/28th February, 2025

九、联系信息 / Contact Information

联系人:孟老师 吴老师

Contact: Ms. Meng; Ms. Wu

